Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Some Exciting News...

I've been hinting over the last week that I had something special to share with you...well, I'm going to be a mommy! I'm 14 weeks pregnant and due on May 13th! This will be our first child and my husband and I couldn't be more thrilled :). I actually suffered a miscarriage back in June, which was devastating to say the least, but God blessed us with a new little bundle of joy just 8 weeks later. We had an ultrasound last week and found out that we're having a BOY! So naturally, the designer in me is already at work on what color scheme and theme we'll be doing for his little area of our bedroom. We live in a one-bedroom apartment so I don't have the luxury of decorating a nursery just yet, but that day will come in time. I'm feeling good and am finally getting my energy back - there were several weeks there where I experienced a fatigue that was beyond comprehension (with 3 hour naps in the middle of the day, thank God I work from home!). I haven't had any nausea (fingers crossed it stays that way). Needless to say, I'm over-joyed at becoming a mother and can't wait to meet the little guy. Below are a couple of snapshots from our ultrasound last week. It's an absolute miracle to see the little life that God is forming inside me! Thank you for letting me share this exciting news with you and please feel free to leave and pregnancy / parenting tips, advice or otherwise. I'll continue to keep you updated as the months go by and will be sure to share a snapshot of my growing belly once I start showing! xoxo - Julie

{Baby Thigpen @ 14 weeks}


  1. Aww...Congratulations Julie! This is the best time of your life, enjoy the journey! :-)

  2. Julie! that's such an exciting news!! I promised my self not to blog around today but I couldn't help to click by watching the ultrasound on my dashboard! such a miracle! now after 3 months we can say everything's safer! with my now 1 year old baby I registered to and week over week they send you information on the status of your baby.. what is normal and what's not! Good luck!! and Congratulations!!!!

  3. Congrats Julie! Such an exciting news! My best advice... do what feels right not what other people tell you that you should or shouldn't do. Mostly enjoy yourself! Things really change once a baby comes along. Congrats!!!

  4. Congrats!!! I just had a baby boy 3 months ago and it has been the best gift life has given me it changes you completely and the love ohhh the love you will feel.
    Go to babycenter now and sign up, as a previous poster just said, it was the best guide for my pregnancy and I also signed up for the birth club of my month and was able to make new friends that were going through the same thing I was great help!

  5. ahh congrats! thats so exciting :)

  6. congrats!! So exciting!!

  7. Congratulations Julie! I began following your blog recently. Your posts are so generous. I wish you all the happiness in the world!

  8. julie!!! yeah for you guys!! right when i saw this i was smiling the biggest smile, you should have seen it! so, super happy for you both. cannot wait to hear updates! again, thinking of you and so wishing you an easy and memorable pregnancy!

  9. Huge congratulations to you and your husband. My advice is to take everything one day at a time now, and when your son is born. You'll instinctively know what to do.
    All the best

  10. Congrats!!! You're due on my Husband's b-day- and he is sweet and perfect (and a bit stubborn sometimes). We're expecting a little girl in a month and we're also doing the one bedroom apt thing. While I wish I could design a nursery, I have still done some good baby decorating in our bedroom. I've also tried to purge all the stuff we don't actually need!

  11. Wonderful! Many blessings!

  12. Congratulations! Boys are fantastic.

  13. Congratulations !!! That is the best news :) I can only imagine how gorgeous you will make his little area !


  14. Congratulations! How exciting for you!

  15. best wishes for a lifetime of health and happiness for your new little one. donna

  16. How exciting!!!! One big, huge congratulations to you and your husband, Julie!! Best news ever!

  17. wooow congratulations!!! =)

  18. Congratulations! How exciting!

  19. congrats :)

  20. Congrats, what an amazing time of your life this will be.

  21. Oh my goodness- Congratulations!

  22. Congratulation! What a very exciting news.
    I wish you all the very best!

  23. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is super duper exciting!! Our little boy was born in May this year. It is such a fabulous journey, enjoy it all!

    :) Hazel

  24. Congrats! We put Lola in our dressing room and she loves it in there. To be honest they don't need so much space anyway. xoxo

  25. YAY!!! Congrats!! Such wonderful and exciting news :)

  26. Congratulations!!! Enjoy the experience, it's a wonderful one.

  27. congrats!!!!

  28. I wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy! All the best! Bon courage! :)

  29. Julie...that is fantastic news ..congratulations! My little ( well big) baby bump is due in Feb..and we are having a boy also...this is our second baby and we are so excited to complete our little family. The fatigue is a killer..I mean the naps are great...but I totally understand how you feel..generally in your second trimester its not as severe..little naps are good though to help you recharge whilst your body is doing weird and wonderful things. Be sure that you are taking your pregnancy vitamins and drinking plenty of water. Look forward to hearing more about your journey....once are truly blessed and will love being a Mummy x

  30. Oh my gosh! So exciting!! Congrats!!
    Much love,

  31. Congratulations!! What an adventure! Praying you have a safe pregnancy. Juice Plus+ makes for an awesome prenatal. you can actually double up on your doses when using it as prenatal. :)

  32. Congratulations and God bless!

  33. Oh my congratulations! Praying for a safe pregnancy :)

  34. Congrats! Fantastic news. Enjoy every minute, it goes quick. xo

  35. Aww!!! Congratulations, so exciting for you and your husband!! best of luck with the pregnancy, enjoy :)


    Best of everything to you both (Oops, I mean, to all THREE of you! Smiles!)...

    Linda in AZ *

  37. Congrats Julie!! So happy for you and your husband xx

  38. Elle SagradoNovember 16, 2011

    Congratz Julie soexcited for you and to see the ideas you've come up with for your lil man <3

  39. oh, my! oh, my! i am sooooo happy for you! i relate to so much of what you wrote here. we, too, experienced a loss before we experienced a pregnancy that took. i'm so happy to hear that you have been blessed with a healthy baby... what a sweet little sonogram shot.

    after trying for years, we finally had a boy... very unexpectedly. we had him last june. it has been the best five months of my life! and like you, i was so amazed at the miracle of God's design of life growing inside my womb. it was truly indescribably awesome!

    i'm so excited for you. pregnancy is so much fun, and i actually miss it quite a bit... even with the nausea and aches that come with it. seeing others get pregnant and have babies makes me want to do it all over again! it was the best experience of my life... even labor and delivery.

    you will be an amazing mom, as you are a beautiful and amazing person and designer. and i am sure you will be the cutest pregnant person out there. i think the baby's nursery will be the most stylish when you get the chance to have one for him or her.

    oh, gosh... i'm just gushing. i don't always get a chance to read your posts, and even when i do, it's through my e-mail, as i subscribed to your blog. but when i read this post, i just had to pop over and relay my biggest CONGRATS to you! what wonderful news! i'm thrilled.

    blessings to you and your growing family! please keep us posted with your growing belly and ideas for the eventual nursery!

  40. Congratulations! This is such an exciting news! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

    By the way, I am hosting a darling giveaway. Come by and enter for a chance to win a set of charming Vintage Alphabet Cards from Children Inspire Design!


  41. i'm overwhelmed with all of the thoughtful comments and warm wishes! you'll never know how much all of your love and support mean to me as i begin this new chapter in my life. xoxo - julie

  42. CONGRATULATIONS:):):)what an exciting news!!!
    i am so happy for you Julie...may God bless and protect you both.
    have a happy pregnancy!

  43. Congrats, Julie! Having kids is the best thing in the world! Enjoy every moment! xo

  44. Congratulations, Julie! How super duper exciting! Hugs and best wishes to you for a healthy and happy pregnancy. xx

  45. This is amazing news! Congratulations. Your family deserves this =). Enjoy every minute.

  46. Hi Julie~ hope you remember me! Congratulations. I wish you all the best. Catherine

  47. One word...Mocktails! Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy.

  48. Many congratulations to you and your hubby! Its really exciting! Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!

  49. Congrats! You will be a wonderful Mommy! Just continue to follow your instincts and heart and everything will be fine! Continued blessings!

  50. Awhhh congrats!!!! Can't wait to see your nursery plans. I have two boys and they're just amazing.

  51. Congratulations! I hope that you continue to be blessed!

  52. So exciting - congrats to you! Many blessings!

  53. Congratulations Julie! That is so exciting! I'll be looking forward to more baby-related updates!

  54. Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing. I can't wait to see your nursery plans!!

  55. YAY!! I too have suffered a miscarriage and am trying to get pregnant with our first child. Your news make me so happy and full of hope! All the best.

  56. JULIE! That is amazing news! Congratulations! Wishing you nothing but the best with this whole experience! YAY!!

  57. Congratulations, such lovely news!

  58. Congratulations! How lovely for you both! :) x

  59. Congratulations!!!!!!! I know he will be a well-loved baby! I can't wait to see the nursery you'll design for him!

  60. congrats, JULIE! That is amazing news! so exciting for your nursery plans :D

  61. Congratulations! Its wonderful news! I also lost a little tiny one last year but I am happy to say God loves and He is a mighty God to serve. Happy baby shopping, decoratiing and loving! deb x

  62. Flipping around your blog and saw happy for you. Also so glad to be a new follower...will be stalking you more soon!
    Stacy @

  63. Aw, I'm so glad I went back through your posts to find this one. So hard to suffer a miscarriage, but I have CHILLS for you that you bounced right back and will have a beautiful little baby boy in no time! I had a feeling you were having a boy when I saw your nursery pics. Such great taste, my dear. That little man is going to have the CHICEST nursery known to man!! Congrats again, love. Be good to yourself. :)

  64. Congrats! And all the best with baby's soon arrival. God bless.


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